Golfsmith Blog on WordPress
The Golfsmith blog was an effort to bring Golfsmith to the content marketing forefront and to direct social traffic towards the website. First of all, I researched and created wireframes of the best option for the blog layout and content organization. In addition, I set up the blog, installed the appropriate plugins, and developed the WordPress template. To complete the project on a rushed timeline, I trained a contractor and coordinated with him on wrapping final stages.
Golfsmith Blog
Screenshots & Wireframe
NOTE ON LIVE EXAMPLES: As of 11/4/16, Golfsmith is no longer conducting business and all associated websites are offline. However, you can check out the Golf Town blog, which I used this template to build.
Within a year of launch, the blog ranked #1 on Golf Assessor’s Top 50 Best Golf Blogs. Furthermore, the blog was awarded #6 in Feedspot’s Top 100 Golf Blogs on the Web.
- Additional Theme Development: Isaac Franz